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Contact Me!

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From May 25th 2018 new General Data Protection Regulations come into force

This statement has been produced to ensure you of the safety and of the procedures surrounding the data held by Sandra Lewis acting as Fitweigh Classes about you.
No information that I have is shared with ANY third party
What it is used for
Contact between us, via e mail, newsletters (mailchimp),social media communication if following our marketing pages, phone or text , or to contact you if there are class closures or changes
Email address for newsletters
All of these are secured with passwords and are accessible only by myself

To receive our Fitweigh classes newsletter you will have given consent by subscribing and can unsubscribe at any time

I will NEVER share your information with a third party, your information is purely for us to keep in touch and keep you up to date with the latest Fitweigh classes newsletter information, updates & offers
Your Rights..
You have a right to view all records I hold for you at any time – these will be provided by email within 72 hours. You have the right to have all records deleted when requested without
reason or delay,

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